About the Book

It’s Hard Enough, Let me Help You: Basic Financial Literacy

Author: Ray Rhodes

This book is for those who truly want more out of life. Living paycheck to paycheck gets old; and is never sustainable. That’s why Sgt. Ray Rhodes hopes his book, It’s Hard Enough, Let Me Help You, will help everyone learn and understand the basics of financial literacy.

A budget truly is imperative to adhere to. But, it is not the only step in becoming financially literate. There is always room for improvement, and time should always be set aside to ensure one’s retention of financial proficiency. One does not have to be struggling to better themselves financially. The “small” tweaks a person makes day to day, paycheck to paycheck, can and will produce beautiful dividends in the long run. This book will neither make the author rich nor teach readers to be rich. But it can help readers to get them there.

The author would like to believe that he is fairly proficient in the art of financial literacy. He is here to lend a guiding hand. He believes,”If this book is not enough for you or maybe not ideal for you. I can only hope that it motivates you to go out and look for more literature to learn from. Mental agility and proficiency should always be developing.”